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What is Alzheimer's disease?

          Deteriorating memory can be the first sign of a treatable disease. Don't accept the diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease before it has been properly diagnosed by a physician.

          Alzhheimer's disease is the most common type of dementia, affecting over half of all dementia sufferers.

          Alzhheimer's disease is caused by a loss of brain cells, probably related to an imbalance in the chemical messengers (neurotransmitters) in the brain, which CHINESE MASTER'S WAY of treatment is specialist in.We have cured more then thousand of these cases.

How are people affected?

          Over time, their mental abilities deteriorate, gradually progressing through forgetting important matters, getting confused about where they are and what day it is, to becoming lethargic and withdrawn and starting to neglect personal hygiene.

          The sufferer may tend to dwell in the past and mistake friends and neighbours for long-departed family members. Conversation may become repetitive and the personality may alter as people develop odd or uncharacteristic behaviours.

          In the later stages of the illness, sufferers lose insight and may not be aware of their plight, which makes the disease particularly hard for careers to bear.

Does Alzheimer's disease progress?

          Alzhheimer's disease tends to progress, deteriorate and lead to death within 2 to 15 years. However, the progress of the illness varies a lot between individuals. For some, the illness may progress slowly over many years, whereas for others it may progress rapidly.

          A number of other treatable medical conditions can mimic Alzhheimer's disease. These include thyroid problems, infections, vitamin deficiencies, depression and anxiety. It is vital that any elderly person who is concerned about whether they may be getting Alzheimer's disease sees their family doctor and receives a full medical assessment. This may involve seeing a hospital specialist or coming to Acupuncture and Herbal Treatment Centre in KL or can get some herbs over the net before coming to see Chinese Master.

         Never assume that an old person who becomes forgetful will have Alzhheimer's disease. For the majority of old people, forgetfulness is simply a nuisance, and most will not develop Alzheimer's disease.


          Treatment is aimed at supporting patients and careers by providing information about the illness and highlighting potential sources of assistance.

          Depression, poor sleep, agitation and behavioural disturbance can all be helped by herbal medicines and CHINESE MASTER'S acupuncture.

         Support for the carer may also involve respite care to give them a break from their often demanding routine. This may involve the patient going to Acupuncture and Herbal Treatment Centre in KL for daily treatment. Later, it may be helpful for the patient to go into a nursing home of Acupuncture and Herbal Treatment Centre in KL for two weeks intermittently to allow the carer to revitalise their Qi energy.

         Considerable research work has been devoted to Alzhheimer's disease in recent years of acupuncture and herbal treatment. Although they have the cure not many people knows that it is curable in Chinese Master's way. The result is 90% to normal living life.When the patient comes in in their final stage like playing with their own motions and have to ware dipples or pamples, their are going into the final stage.We can still help them.

         The treatment could various from 2 weeks to 3 months depending on their conditions before coming back to normal life.

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